
Showing posts from 2017

Comfort Women Madness in San Francisco

Why do Koreans want to build comfort women memorial statues everywhere around the world? What is the real meaning of the statue? As Japanese, I care about the reputation of our country and don’t want it to be damaged by false accusations. If the forced recruitment of a large number of girls and women actually took place, I will accept all criticism and accusations as the descendants of the wrongdoers. However, we know that Koreans are falsely accusing us with baseless rumors and just hearsay. All we want is a fair trial and fair judgment. Recently, I came across the following writings in the Star Advertise Newspaper site. ==== quote==== “People in the U.S. view the comfort women issue as a universal human rights issue that everyone needs to know and care about, says Phyllis Kim, executive director of the Korean American Forum of California, wo played a major role in convincing San Francisco to establish the memorial, in an emailed statement. Source: http://www.staradvertiser.c...

Kimchi-Haven City Erects Voodoo Doll Memorial

Brookhaven, GA made a wrong decision and erected a Comfort Women Memorial in the Blackburn II Park of the city. I strongly believe that you Americans are arrogant, one-sided, inconsiderate and ignorant on this matter. I live in Yokohama where the US 8th Army comprised of 230,000 men landed after WWII. You can easily surmise what have happened after the landing, when a victorious army of so many men, at their peak of reproductive capability, occupied the war-torn city crippled by B29 air-raids. Local history records show that there were many cases of blatant intrusion into civilian houses in search of women, kidnappings of girls on streets, violent raids upon hospital dormitories for nurses, rapes on sick women on beds and all or any other crimes you can imagine in horror. Japanese men got so angry that they resorted to fist fights on streets. American generals such as R. Eichelberger and D. MacArthur were so shocked that they demanded the Japanese government to create RAA (Recreat...
Korean new president Moon sent a special envoy to Japan in order to request renegotiation of the 2015 Comfort Women Agreement which defined that the issue was resolved finally and irreversibly. How do you re-negotiate the agreement which was resolved finally and irreversibly? There is no room for that and we are sick of the persistence of the Koreans on this matter.