The Worst Relationship between Japan and S. Korea
Due partly to the flying monkeys’ effort to build comfort women girl statues in the US cities, the current relations between Japan and South Korea is the worst in recent years. The most recent survey shows that today nearly 80% of the Japanese consider S. Korea unreliable and these is not any sign of let-up in degrading to the to the rock-bottom. The girl statue has NOTHING to do with human trafficking or whatsoever. The purpose of building a memorial, any memorial, is to give people a sense of healing, peace, and hope. Instead, the girl statue has been creating division, conflict, hatred, corruption, unnecessary media attention, and all other kinds of trash to not only community-level, but also nation-wide, even international level. Moreover, the narrative of “Comfort Women” is completely fraud. There are tons of tons of physical evidence to show that those women were paid prostitutes. On the other hand, “Comfort Women” fraud promoters are solely relying on